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Posted by : Unknown Jumat, 26 September 2014

Onigiri Online


Onigiri Online combines the 3D anime style that has recently fallen off in popularity among F2P MMORPGs with the rising popularity of action combat MMORPGs. Utilizing a unique partner system that allows you to build relations and strengthen 8 varied AI partners, Onigiri adds a Pokemon-esque element to make the leveling curve less painful as you can watch so many characters grow without playing multiple alts to do so. Each partner offers different benefits to improve relations with beyond just combat. Some will act as your rare item merchant while others can supply you with potent potions and food items to buff you power.

In addition players can build their character with a free-form state addition system to allow you to specialize in various weapons. This is important because you aren’t restricted to any particular weapon. You can even master multiple weapons and switch between them on the fly in combat as the combat situation changes over time!




Publisher: Cyberstep
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Low
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: No
Filesize: 1GB

Pros: +Anime Style. +Distinctly Japanese Universe. +Action Combat. +Unique Partner System. +Movement feels crisp and responsive. +Skill system encourages high risk, high reward combat.

Cons:  -Lag Issues Hurt Combat. -Learning curve scales too fast for target audience. -Graphics are quit date

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